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Our latest Radio Sustain podcast is packed! First, Maryn McKenna, author of SUPERBUG, discusses the antibiotic-resistant MRSA—an epidemic that kills nearly 19,000 Americans per year—and why our reliance on antibiotics in agriculture is partially to blame.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Author Maryn McKenna discusses MRSA, the topic of her new book SUPERBUG, and how reducing our reliance on antibiotics in agriculture could help stop resistant strains like MRSA. Lindy Bannister, GM of the Wedge Community Coop in Minneapolis, discusses her recent trip to China with IATP President Jim Harkness.
At the food reserves meeting that IATP co-organized in Brussels, Belgium along with Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires and Oxfam Solidarity, I was particularly interested in reports from Africa and Asia.
I am back in the office after an exciting meeting on food reserves that IATP co-organized in Brussels, Belgium along with Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires and Oxfam Solidarity. A food reserve, simply described, is when food is set aside in times of plenty to be used in times of scarcity.
Mindi Schneider is blogging from China. She is a native Midwesterner currently living in China and working on her PhD in Development Sociology at Cornell.
Post written by Mark Muller, originally published on the Food and Society Fellows Fresh Ideas blog.
The Obama administration on Friday extended for another year the moratorium on most logging and mining in millions of acres of remote sections of national forests.New York Times
Oslo conference attended by 52 nations produces first concrete sign of global action on climate change since CopenhagenGuardian UK