Publication archives

Roger Doiron, founder of Kitchen Gardeners International (KGI) and former IATP Food and Society Fellow, is well-known for KGI's “Eat the View” campaign that helped to bring an organic garden to the
Having a large-scale boreal forest biomass inventory would allow scientists to understand better the carbon cycle and to predict more accurately Earth's future climate. However, obtaining these maps has been wrought with difficulty -- until now.ScienceDaily
With last year's deadly Station fire still in mind, fire officials this week are warning residents who live in foothill communities of another potentially bad fire season, urging them to have a family evacuation plan at the ready.LA Times
Small is no longer beautiful for New England conservation groups. For decades, bands of volunteers and a smattering of full-time employees have worked to stem the tide of development and deforestation, identifying priority projects and working with a small pool of private funders to preserve little parcels of local forestland.NY Times
Our project began five years ago as part of Wisconsin's new Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program, an effort to gather the expertise of ecologists, land managers and birders to take stock of Wisconsin's rich bird life and identify the places most critical to sustaining those birds.
With the discovery of emerald ash borer (EAB) in Minnesota in 2009, many homeowners are keeping a close eye on the ash trees on their property. This has resulted in a great deal of concern as many ash trees began to drop their newly formed leaves early this spring.
We know demand for more locally produced food is growing. A recent U.S.
On Monday IATP Food and Society Fellow Sean Sellers and the CIW Modern Slavery Museum parked outside the U.S. State Department for the release of the most recent Trafficking in Persons