Publication archives

Two years ago, we launched an initiative with the help of the city of Minneapolis to help organize small (5 vendors or fewer) farmers markets in low-
A couple of years ago I took on an in the food movement.
Dr. Steve Suppan
IATP comment on the revision of the European Commission Market Abuse Directive (MAD) to extend the authority of the MAD to cover Over the Counter (OTC) trades and trades on unregulated venues. Given the volume, value and volatility of OTC trades ($300 trillion in notional value for U.S.
It was late 2008 when IATP first sounded the alarm on the role of Wall Street speculators in driving agriculture prices up and down like a yoyo—hurting both farmers and consumers alike—and contributing to growing hunger around the world.
In February of this year, the Chinese government released results of the first national pollution census (全国污染源普查).
The number of fires destroying Amazon rainforests are increasing, a study has found.BBC News
Concern about an endangered bird has caused the U.S. Department of Agriculture to declare a cease-fire in its biological war against saltcedar, an invasive tree that has taken over riparian areas across the West.Seattle Times
Trees do not make good neighbors, at least to their own kind.Milwaukee Journal Sentinel via The Wenatchee World