Publication archives

As part of the national Farm to School movement, lunchrooms around Minnesota are pulling out all the stops on their quest for healthy, locally produced foods for the first annual Farm to School Week, September 20–24.
A much anticipated World Bank report was released a few days ago on a controversial but important issue: foreign direct investment in land, particularly in poorer countries.
This blog by IATP's Steve Suppan originally appeared on the Triple Crisis blog.
Dennis Keeney
This commentary by IATP Senior Fellow Dennis Keeney originally appeared in the Ames Tribune. It is republished with permission.
Last month, IATP and some of the Midwest's leading rural thinkers and doers got together for the Midwest Rural Assembly in South Souix City, Nebraska.
In the late 1870s, a series of droughts and famines devastated a broad swath of the globe, including what is now Pakistan. The 1876-78 drought killed 6 million people in India; in China, 12 million people died of starvation and disease. Many millions more were plunged into agonizing poverty.
KAW official comments on FDA Draft Guidance 209. KAW asks that the FDA stop further delays and make public what meaningful steps it intends to take to address the problem of the inappropriate use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals, including the use of antimicrobials for routine disease prevention.