Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) urged action on reducing the potent greenhouse gas methane to slow the climate crisis.
Dairy farm producing biogas digesters
This report for the first time estimates the methane emissions of five of the largest meat corporations and ten of the largest dairy corporations. Their combined methane emissions are roughly 12.8 million tonnes, which equates to over 80% of the European Union’s entire methane footprint.
Emissions Impossible Report Cover
Lilly Richard
Ahead of IATP's final days at COP27, hear from Shefali Sharma on progress at the conference and the struggle to hold governing bodies accountable.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
Ben Lilliston
On Saturday, the United States government will host an event at the global climate meeting in Egypt called the Global Fertilizer Challenge. The price of synthetic fertilizer, a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, has spiked this year connected to the war in Ukraine.
Nitrogen spreading on a field
Lilly Richard
With COP27 under way in Sharm El-Sheikh, hear a message from IATP's Sophia Murphy on her experience so far, recorded in the early hours before Day 5 of the conference.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
The global food system is addicted to chemical fertilisers. For the past 50 years, these fertilisers have been heavily promoted by global institutions, governments and agribusiness as the means for increasing crop yields, while other options for increasing soil fertility and food production have been ignored or undervalued. The era of cheap fertilisers is over, and the costs have become too much to bear — both in terms of the financial burden for farmers and public budgets, the severe environmental and health impacts, and the long-term risks to food security.
The Fertiliser Trap
Dr. Steve Suppan
Big diplomatic decisions receive much more media and political attention than the many steps necessary to implement the decisions. So it was with the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Glasgow, Scotland.
UNFCCC Article 6
Lilly Richard
In this episode, hear from IATP Executive Director Sophia Murphy and Director of IATP Europe Shefali Sharma, both of whom will be traveling to Egypt for this year's COP, on the role of civil society groups at COP and the false solutions for climate and agriculture that IATP is working to discredit.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27