Publication archives

Shefali Sharma
“History will be the judge of what has happened in Cancún.” These are the last lines of the Bolivian Government’s press release yesterday about the outcome of the climate negotiations here in Cancún.
EINNEWS, December 10---At long last, and under pressure from Congress to do so, the Food and Drug Administration Thursday released the first-ever government estimate of the amount of antimicrobial drugs sold for use of animals in the U.S. But the agency did it in a way that sheds little light on whether drugs are overused in healthy animals.
Dr. Cecilia Martinez
Shiney Varghese
People working on water and climate change—water warriors—participated in a workshop organized at the alternate COP 16, known as Dialogo Climatico. At a session titled "Water, Dams and Disasters," we heard moving testimonies from those affected by toxic pollution in their air and water, and peasants displaced from their farms. 
Saktiman Ghosh, secretary general of the National Hawkers Federation in India, marches in Cancún and explains why.
Alejandro Villamar of the Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (RMALC) discusses the demands of protesters in Cancún and the challenges behind staging the march at the U.N. climate talks.
Ben Lilliston
"The perfect cannot be the enemy of the good. What we needed is 'good enough.' And 'good enough' is not 'perfectly just.' 'Perfectly just' is not going to happen here." These are the words yesterday of Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi at an event here in Cancún presenting climate finance options to governments at the U.N. global climate talks.
Dr. Cecilia Martinez
Women gathered at EsMex: an alternative climate forum in Cancún to discuss REDD+ as a strategy for dealing with climate emissions. A circle of women, surrounded by yet more circles of Indigenous women and men shared their thoughts about forests, life, community and climate change.