Publication archives

At a 2010 Congressional briefing sponsored by Rep. Louise Slaughter, I warned the continued and routine overuse of antibiotics in U.S. meat production could be shooting the global competitiveness of that industry in the foot.
Dr. Steve Suppan
On Tuesday, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission released an interagency study on carbon emissions markets. The 54-page study for the U.S. Congress was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
Ben Lilliston
  Update: Hear an interview with former Chipotle employee Maria Cortes on the latest Radio Sustain (mp3)!
Dale Wiehoff
TransFair USA, the largest fair trade certifier in the U.S., changed its name to Fair Trade USA and is trying to trademark that name. What a shame.
Ben Lilliston
No amount of clean living and eating can entirely avoid it: We all have toxic chemicals in our bodies, according to the Center for Disease Control. Exposed through the air, water, food and consumer products, we are bombarded everyday by these toxic chemicals.
We're in a rut when it comes to taking action on climate change. Congress has stalled on passing climate legislation. International negotiators failed to agree on binding emission cuts in Cancun late last year. And it's unclear whether the EPA will have the power to regulate greenhouse gases. Fortunately, we have a tool to help us make a real impact on slowing climate change: the Farm Bill.
IONIA, Iowa --- Antibiotics are supposed to keep animals and humans healthy. But a battle is raging concerning the alleged overuse of antibiotics in the livestock industry. Some people, including the Obama administration, believe it's a public health hazard.