Publication archives

Minneapolis, May 5, 2011 — 今年二月,联合国粮农组织(FAO)宣布中国陷入“粮食危机,”原因是百年不遇的干旱损伤了中国三分之一的麦田。这条消息引起了国际媒体的关注。中国是世界上最大的小麦生产国,每年产量约有1亿1千5百万吨,相当于国际小麦贸易额的总量。中国目前的粮食进口量不高,但是,假如中国转向全球市场出高价购买粮食来缓解因干旱而引起的“粮食危机”,粮价有可能急剧上升。
Shiney Varghese
This week, the U.N. Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation, Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque, will visit the United States, giving us an opportunity to pause and reflect: What does right to water entail?
"Many argue that globalized trade creates a ‘race to the bottom,’ where the country with the weakest regulations or lowest wages ultimately sets the standards in the global marketplace," writes IATP's David Wallinga, M.D.
Minneapolis, February 22, 2011 — Many argue that globalized trade creates a “race to the bottom,” where the country with the weakest regulations or lowest wages ultimately sets the standards in the global marketplace. Something different may now be happening around food safety: Global forces are putting pressure on U.S.
Dr. Steve Suppan
The focus on market mechanisms is a dangerous distraction from the real work of finding agricultural practices that reduce emissions while ensuring food security, environmental integrity and rural livelihoods.
Shefali Sharma
Friday’s closing ceremony of the World Social Forum began with the news that Hosni Mubarak had resigned from office and led to a resounding cheer and celebration amongst the crowd. Egypt and Tunisia’s people-led struggles had reverberated throughout the forum with intermittent marches of Eyptians and those in solidarity.
Jim Harkness
A version of this commentary appeared in Policy Innovations, a publication of the Carnegie Council.
Lots of people are hearing about toxic chemicals in products and want to get them OUT! Here, people talk about the reasons this issue is important to them