Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
Today, four IATP staff will lead a small delegation of U.S. environmentalists, academics and corn/biofuel producers down to Brazil (we'll be reporting here on the trip throughout the next week).
Andrew Ranallo
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy announced today that LaDonna Redmond will lead a new project focusing on health, justice and the food system.  The project will center on health disparities resulting from the food system, from the farm to consumers—particularly as they affect low-income populations and communities of color.
Jim Harkness
March Radio Sustain discusses food justice with LaDonna Redmond; food security with Kathy Mulvey of the Community Food Security Coaltion; and what we can learn from China about managing food supplies with IATP President Jim Harkness.
Andrew Ranallo
A new survey of Minnesota foodservice leaders released today shows, in just four years, the number of Minnesota schools participating in Farm to School has sharply increased: From just 10 in 2006 to 123 this year. 
Shiney Varghese
The year 2011 started with the news of food price hikes around the world pushing even more people, especially women, into hunger. But then along came images of women in Egypt in the forefront of a revolution to get rid of a government that has been in power for over 30 years!