Publication archives

Sophia Murphy
Last week, a background paper for the G-20 Summit of Agricultural Ministers on price volatility from eight international organizations appeared [1].
Katie Rojas-Jahn
The Minnesota-based public health coalition Healthy Legacy, cofounded by IATP in 2006, has some good news for parents today.
A new market survey Message in a Bottle: A Market Survey on Bisphenol A (BPA) in Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups (PDF) announces that state legislation has been a key driver in phasing out the use of BPA in these products.
The US food production system yields a large volume of food that is relatively low in cost for consumers but is often high in calories and low in nutritional value.
Ethanol’s main subsidy—the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC)—is on the chopping block.
Jim Harkness
Nick Kristof opined a few days ago in the New York Times that while there’s every reason to be critical of China’s human rights record, we should also recognize the country’s achievements, especially in the field of health.
Carbon markets are viewed as the primary source of climate financing. The experience to date demands a reevaluation of their ability to exact real, sustainable change, particularly in relation to agriculture. Here are five reasons why poorly designed and regulated carbon markets should not be part of a global climate treaty.