Publication archives

Dr. Steve Suppan
Mindi Schneider
In this edition of Radio Sustain we talk to Mindi Schneider about her latest report examining the industrial transformation of the massive pork industry in China, and Steve Suppan about the use of nanotechnology, its increasing prevalence in products and food, and why its huge potential may be causing "regulatory paralysis" in the U.S. and abroad.
Jim Harkness
A new spate of food safety scares has hit China this spring, from tales of exploding watermelons (caused by application of a dodgy growth accelerator) to
Shiney Varghese
Shiney Varghese is a Senior Trade Policy Analyst at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP). Her area of expertise is global water policy and its impact on water and food security, and she has published works on the environment, gender and human rights.
Transforming U.S. agriculture to make it healthier and more sustainable is suddenly a hot topic. Last week, Science published an essay in its policy forum,