Publication archives

What happens when you take a group of thoughtful people with quite radically different perspectives on agriculture and land use to Brazil? Really interesting conversations, for one.
Mindi Schneider
This blog, by Mindi Schneider, first appeared on Pig Penning.
Sophia Murphy
On June 23, 2011, the G-20 marked a new phase in its evolution as a political entity with its first summit of agricultural ministers. Held in Paris, with a significant investment of French political energy in the process and the outcome, the meeting was nonetheless profoundly disappointing.
Definition Farm to School is an initiative that links children to nearby small and mid-size farms and ranches that produce fresh, healthy and minimally processed1 foods that are served at their schools. Goals
Ben Lilliston
America has a long, tragic and violent history of removing American Indians from the land. Remarkably, a host of maddening barriers remain for many Indians seeking access to their land.
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an overlooked international body with representatives of 136 governments, about 100 food industry associations, several intergovernmental organizations, and a smattering of consumer and other nongovernmental organizations.
Hundreds of thousands of American Indians own land on reservations, but few have access to it. The Cobell settlement will put almost $2 billion toward Indian land consolidation, but is it too little too late?