Publication archives

Andrew Ranallo
JoAnne Berkenkamp
August 7–13 is National Farmers Market Week, and Minneapolis has more than a few reasons to celebrate.
Andrew Ranallo
Increasingly, the coatings that keep supermarket produce fresh-looking and the chemicals used in pesticide-intensive farming are incorporating nanotechnology. Nanomaterial residues in coated produce that could potentially fail to be washed away by consumers have been reportedly imported into the United States. What are the potential health, worker safety and environmental risks?
Katie Rojas-Jahn
You’ve gotten rid of BPA from baby bottles and out of water bottles, but did you know another unnecessary toxic plastic may be hiding in your children’s school supplies?
If you read our blog regularly, you know that IATP took a group of farmers, ethanol producers, and environmental advocates to Brazil in March to get an on-the-ground look at the envi
Ben Lilliston
Advancements in science sometimes boggle the mind. Take nanotechnology, for example. Researchers can now manipulate material at the atomic level to add various properties to new foods, plastics or consumer products. They can make products lighter, softer, or better able to retain moisture. There are now an estimated 1,300 products on the market that use Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs).
Sophia Murphy
The U.N. Committee on Food Security is the foremost international and intergovernmental platform trying to address global food security and nutrition. To aid in this work, they created a High-level Panel of Experts (HLPE) on high food prices and food price volatility.
Shefali Sharma
HLPE Comments from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Please find the following input regarding the scope of the Climate and Food Security Study: