Publication archives

Mark Muller
This post originally appeared September 4, 2011 on The Huffington Post.
Good news doesn’t come often enough in this business, so when POET—the world's largest ethanol producer—announced they’d decided to phase out antibiotic use in some of their ethanol plants, we celebrated.
Andrew Ranallo
Farm to School in Minnesota has been continually growing, and now it's been recognized by the state for its importance to students and local farmers. Last Thursday, Governor Dayton declared September Farm to School Month in Minnesota. The proclamation request was initiated by IATP as part of its ongoing Farm to School efforts.
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton
Mark Muller
At the request of our colleagues working with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy formed a delegation today that delivered a letter to the manager of the Trader Joe’s store in St. Paul, MN.
A quick look at the Streetwerks Youth Farmers Market, part of the Institute for Agriculture and Trady Policy's (IATP) Mini Farmers Market project. More information available at
A quick look at the St. Olaf Community Campus Farmers Market, part of the Institute for Agriculture and Trady Policy's (IATP) Mini Farmers Market project. More information available at
JoAnne Berkenkamp
A look at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's Mini Farmers Market project in Minneapolis. More information available at