Publication archives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) ruling today against another highly popular U.S. consumer policy – country-of-origin labeling (COOL) for meat cuts and products – will only intensify public opposition to more of the same backwards trade pacts, Public Citizen said.
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Ben Lilliston
Many in the public health community have long decried farm subsidies for commodity crops such as corn and soybeans as the reason for the low cost of junk food relative to fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Subsidies, the thinking goes, have caused farmers to over produce corn and soybeans.
Shefali Sharma
The Africa Biodiversity Network, ActionAid Kenya, the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance and IATP held a workshop in Thika, Kenya in late October to discuss what is at stake for food producers and African agriculture as African governments head to the global climate talks in Durban in a few weeks to decide whether to launch an agriculture work program.
Jim Kleinschmit
Recent Farm Bill Bill proposals to expand crop insurance for U.S. farmers have failed to acknowledge threats to agriculture from climate change. Not including climate adaption for agriculture at the same time could threaten food security and farmers livelihoods and increase costs for taxpayers.
Jim Kleinschmit
In the last year, the U.S. has experienced some of the most severe floods and droughts in recent history.
Andrew Ranallo
According to a new Breast Cancer Fund report, co-released today by Healthy Legacy and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, the notori
Shiney Varghese
Over the last month, U.N. agencies, Member States and civil society groups have been busy: they made well over 600 contributions toward Rio+20, the next United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (U.N. CSD), to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012.