Publication archives

In 1999, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) published a groundbreaking report by Mark Muller and Richard Levins entitled Feeding the World? The Upper Mississippi River Navigation Project that examined agribusiness’ and the Mississippi River navigation industry’s claim that U.S.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
 IATP’s Karen Hansen-Kuhn is blogging from the UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
Shiney Varghese
As I flew back from Bonn last week, on my way back from the Bonn 2011 Nexus Conference (16–18 November), one thing was clear to me. Corporate environmentalism is entrenching itself firmly in the corridors of global governance, and challenging its advance will require new strategies.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Statement by IATP at the 17th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in response to President Jacob Zuma's committing the South African presidency of the COP to producing a decision to start an agricultural work program as a Durban "deliverable", and what Africa will get for helping to engineer this decision.
Mark Muller
The Farm Bill always seems to be part of the food and justice conversation, yet few of us feel fluent in the language of this massive piece of legislation. How does it affect our work on the ground? Who has the power to influence it? Why is it so darn hard to understand?
Farm Bill 101
Dr. Steve Suppan
At a December 2 press conference at the global climate talks in Durban, IATP’s Steve Suppan, Anne Wanjiku Maina of the African Biodiversity Network, Teresa Anderson of the Gaia Foundation and Helena Paul of EcoNexus talked about the dangers for Africa of including agriculture within carbon markets.
Ben Lilliston
The media has been splashed with recent findings of elevated levels of arsenic in apple juice. Much less attention has been given to concerns about the presence of arsenic in meat.