Publication archives

 The COP17 climate talks are wrapping up and IATP staff are on their way home from Durban, South Africa. Throughout the 10-day summit, IATP met with media representatives, delegates and NGO partners on a range of issues related to agriculture and climate change. We’ve prepared a summary of press coverage from Durban and a compilation of materials that the IATP team produced during the summit. A post-conference report will be available as soon as staff have returned.
Andrew Ranallo
JoAnne Berkenkamp
In his December Commissioner's Column, Minnesota's Agriculture Commissioner Dave Frederickson touts the benefits the state sees from the strong and expanding Farm-to-School movement taking place thanks to organizations like IATP, the Minnesota School Nutrition Association, and of course state agen
Minnesota's Ag Commissioner: "It doesn’t get much better" than Farm to School
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
IATP’s Karen Hansen-Kuhn is blogging from the UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.   The launch of the African Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) began with rounds of joyous song, specifically a variant of a South African protest song:
The sound of food sovereignty in Durban
Doreen Stabinsky
Doreen Stabinsky is blogging for IATP from the UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa. One of the major issues being considered here at COP17 is adaptation. 
Dale Wiehoff
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) held a Farmers March in Washington, D.C., on December 4 to highlight issues of corporate control of the food system. Farmers, community gardeners, food workers and activists spoke on issues such as fair prices for farmers, sustainable farming, local food and the growing specter of hunger in America.
Dr. Steve Suppan
IATP’s Steve Suppan is blogging from the UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
Andrew Ranallo
In the latest episode of Radio Sustain, IATP President Jim Harkness looks at the myriad of ways in which the Occupy Wall Street movement interacts with IATP's work, and what IATP has done to get involved.
Jim Harkness
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
In this December 6, 2011 episode, Julia Olmstead discusses U.S. exports and why they are not "feeding the world," Jim Harkness speaks on the Occupy movement and Karen Hansen-Kuhn speaks about IATP's aspirations at the Durban climate talks.