Publication archives

Brahm Ahmadi talks about his vision of creating a hub for good food and strong community in Oakland. Learn more about his work building the People's Community Market.
Dale Wiehoff
The Eldorado dos Carajás massacre took place on April 17, 1996 in Para, a state in southern Brazil. On that day, the police gunned down 19 peasants from the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Landless Workers Movement) or MST who were demanding access to land.
A just and healthy food system isn’t going to manifest out of the halls of Congress. The food justice movement needs support up and down the food chain—farmers, grocers, farm workers, writers, activists, parents, children, eaters. Stories are some of the most powerful tools that we have to create this change.
LONDON, MAR. 5, 2012 – Last year, I was invited to speak on a panel at the European Parliament with Professor Lang to provide some international perspective for a discussion they were having about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform.
JoAnne Berkenkamp
Bill Wenzel
What is the “glue” that connects the farm and the fork? With “direct-market” channels like farmers markets and CSAs, we have the privilege of literally shaking the hand that feeds us.
Dale Wiehoff
Many of us can remember that moment while eating fresh broccoli, sweet corn or kale and we were struck by how incredibly delicious vegetables taste. It is as if we were eating vegetables for the first time in our lives.
Alarming research coming out of the University of Minnesota raises concerns over the public health impacts of antibiotic use in ethanol production. 
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Sophia Murphy
This collection contains IATPs work on the connection between trade and obesity.