Publication archives

The G-8 met this past the weekend in the United States. Three years earlier the group of the most powerful industrialized nations met in L’Aquila, Italy, just as food-price spikes were sending millions into poverty.
The importance of the Farm Bill’s Research title is hard to overstate. It may not have a direct impact on people’s lives as the food assistance programs and farm programs do, but it is a crucial driver in the long-term direction of U.S. agriculture. Its impact goes far beyond the USDA research institutions.
Jim Harkness
The global scramble for land and resources has a big new player, and if you’re a teacher or work for a nonprofit, it might be you.
Emily Barker
The issue of food waste is a hot topic these days.
Why did an entrepreneur have to start his own toxic-free mattress company? Why does a health care company care about how chemicals are regulated? Join us for a free webinar and hear from two companies that support better chemicals regulation to meet their business needs.
Chemical policy reform webinar
Jim Harkness
The multi-million dollar initiative known as AGree released their mission and strategies for transforming food and agriculture policy by 2030 last week. Despite a litany of plans and players involved, it’s still hard to know what to make of AGree.
Andrew Ranallo
IATP has issued a press statement applauding Representatives Edward J.