Publication archives

Dennis Keeney
I am a product of small farm Midwest U.S. agriculture. Weather has been a major part of my life—as is the case with any farm family. Declaring disaster areas and offering emergency loans by a benevolent government might make folks feel better but will never replace the stress that comes with widespread, insidious devastating drought.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The reports of drought across the United States continue to worsen. Just this week, USDA decreased its estimates of corn harvests in “good to excellent” conditions to 24 percent. Corn futures are hovering near $8 a bushel, and wheat futures have started to rise as well.
Even though many plastic manufactures have phased out the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in their products, the possibility of other hormone-disrupting chemicals in plastic continues to be a concern. BPA is not the only hormonally active chemical found in plastic.
Andrew Ranallo
In today's edition of Radio Sustain, IATP program associate and long-time community activist LaDonna Redmond discusses food justice, and IATP's upcoming national conference, Food + Justice = Democracy.
August 1, 2012: LaDonna Redmond, community activist and IATP staffer, talks food justice and IATP’s upcoming national conference Food + Justice = Democracy.
Steve Ells is doing a great thing. It’s not just the Chipotle founder and CEO’s decision to buy organic, or local, or avoid antibiotics in animal products. It’s not even his focus on ethically raised meat. No, his greatest contribution is one of omission. While nationwide protests urge Mr.
JoAnne Berkenkamp
Madeline Kastler
Six years ago, an IATP intern with a bright idea and a lot of determination launched what has become known fondly as the Minneapolis “Mini Market” project.  With technical assistance and support from IATP, a wide variety of public housing facilities, churches, hospitals and neighborhood-based organizations have launched small farmers markets in
Dr. Steve Suppan
One of the many ironies of the U.S. Farm Bill debate over crop insurance and revenue “assurance” programs was a tacit bipartisan agreement not to say in public four words that summarized major drivers in creating the proposed programs. The U.S.