Publication archives

Jim Kleinschmit
Last week, IATP, in partnership with Sustainable Northwest and the National Rural Assembly, hosted the kick-off meeting in Minneapolis for a new initiative: the Rural Climate Network, designed to support rural action and education around climate change.
Despite being banned in Europe due to health risks, atrazine, a hormone-disrupting herbicide, is one of the world's most largely used pesticides—hundreds of millions of pounds per year. It can be found in our lakes, streams, rain, and drinking water, at levels that make a difference to human health.
Webinar: The A to Z on Atrazine: Sex hormones and America’s most popular pesticide
Jim Harkness
Dear Friends, The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy will be ending the IATP Food and Community Fellows program at the conclusion of the current two-year class of fellows’ term in April 2013.
Ben Lilliston
Just when you thought Congress couldn’t screw up the Farm Bill any worse, they surprise us all.
Farm Bill free fall
Andrew Ranallo
It seems every week, mainstream media is reporting on a new study pointing to food A, or beverage B, as the latest malign of the American eater. The truth is, the rising obesity rates in the U.S., and the frightening rate of decline in children’s health in our country are complicated.
How could the landscape of food and farming policy change if health sector workers and consumers understood what it takes for farmers to grow and produce enough healthy food?
It’s ironic that agriculture, an activity that is fundamental to sustaining large societies, has come to present so many risks to public and environmental health.
Shefali Sharma
The 18th annual climate negotiations of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) just ended Saturday night.