Publication archives

Sophia Murphy
Executive Summary
Andrew Ranallo
How can we balance the environmental impacts of farming with our need to continue producing food?
Andrew Ranallo
“I think we came in April and it was within a month or two when all the ground was still bare and black and we had one of those two- or three-day blows and I had drifts of soil on my window sills and I'm thinking ‘Hmmm this isn't good.’ That was probably what sparked us to start making some of the changes we did.”
Jim Harkness
Alexandra Spieldoch
Global Land Grabs on Valentine's Day at IATP! That's right. We want you to be our Valentine on February 14! We'll be discussing global land grabs and food sovereignty.
Andrew Ranallo
Update: All five videos are now available at the following links: 
Jim Harkness
In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama called for the federal minimum wage to be raised to $9 an hour and linked hereafter to the cost of living, so that it will rise along with inflation.
Jim Kleinschmit
Rural resistance has helped slow the development of renewable energy. It doesn't have to be that way. For the President's green-energy plans to succeed, he needs to reach out to the rural leaders who are ready to act on climate change.
Dr. Steve Suppan
After the disastrous financial collapse in 2008, the commodity  and  financial market regulatory reform process on both sides of the Atlantic has been a series of promising but halting steps, all too often two steps forward and one step back.