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Download Promises and Perils of the TTIP: Negotiating a Transatlantic Agricultural Market or read the executive summary below. Executive summary 
The Farm Bill was designed to reign in price volatility, manage supply and protect nature while providing vital nutrition programs for the country’s poor. Instead, it’s been ravaged by constant corporate assault and a Congress too emboldened with industry money to stand up for our best interests.
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
IATP's Director of Agriculture, Jahi Chappell speaking at The World Food Prize on October 18, 2013.
On World Food Day, IATP and the Bell Museum of Natural History hosted Sheelu Francis of the Tamil Nadu Women's Collective, honoree at the 2013 Food Sovereignty Prize.
Andrew Ranallo
Pete Huff and Dr. M. Jahi Chappell have joined IATP’s staff this fall and together will be leading the organization’s efforts to further a sustainable, diversified and prosperous agriculture and food system.
Shiney Varghese
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
If there was a silver lining in the disastrous 2007–2008 food price crisis, it was that it prompted governments and international donors to re-examine their priorities for agricultural development.
This piece was produced by IATP intern John Parker for IATP's Beyond the Farm Bill. When it comes to faith in our democracy, this year has raised some eyebrows. In the case of food and agriculture policy, a disturbing fact emerges: Our democracy is increasingly a façade.
Dear Friends, As you may have heard, Jim Harkness intends to step down as president of IATP at the end of this year, to work fulltime on China. I am writing to ask your help in finding IATP’s next leader. But first, I want to say something about Jim.