Publication archives

Hospitals and hospital systems represent a sizable potential market for sustainable farmers, and interest in increasing purchases of local, sustainably produced food among hospitals and hospital systems is growing.
Growing Farm to Hospital
Dr. Steve Suppan
Is it possible or necessary to regulate Automated Trading Systems (ATSs) on commodity futures markets that transact business electronically without direct human intervention at the speed of light (high-frequency Trading (HFT))?
Anna Claussen
Hospitals and hospital systems represent a sizable potential market for sustainable farmers, and interest in increasing purchases of local, sustainably produced food among hospitals and hospital systems is growing.
Growing Farm to Hospital
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Dr. Steve Suppan
Download the presentation slides: Karen Hansen-Kuhn Steve Suppan
The Promises and Perils of Proposed US-EU Trade Deal for Food and Agriculture
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), a 501(c)(3) organization, is pleased to submit this comment. IATP participated in the NNI stakeholder workshop in June, including two breakout sessions on Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) impacts.
Minneapolis, December 5, 2013 — In early November, the European Commission (EC) posted on its website a report evaluating Australian meat inspection. The upshot of the report will be to ban imports of Australian beef, pork and lamb because Australia allows companies producing meat products to also inspect them for safety.
Shiney Varghese
On November 21, 2013 the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee (The Committee) adopted a resolution on “The human right to safe drinking water and sanitation.” There, all UN member states agreed that the rights to water and sanitation are derived from the right to an adequate standard of living.
Dale Wiehoff
It’s common to make biblical references when we want to underscore how ancient something is, but in the case of apples, we know they’ve been around for a very long time. Originating in Central Asia, hybrid varieties propagated through grafting were well established over 6,000 years ago. Today there are over 7,500 cultivars world-wide.