Publication archives

Tara Ritter
Anna Claussen
Jim Kleinschmit
This blog overviews the 2014 Stevens County Climate Dialogue.
One rural community responds to climate change
Tara Ritter
A student dialogue at the Morris Area High School set the stage for our 2014 Stevens County Climate Dialogue
Rural youth and climate: An invitation to attend the Morris Climate Dialogue
Jump straight to IATP’s new report, Measuring Success: Local Food Systems and the Need for New Indicators.
Seeking the whole story: New metrics needed to evaluate agricultural practices
Jim Kleinschmit
Emily Barker
Dennis Keeney
In agriculture, policymakers, analysts and researchers often use a set of indicators to assess whether a farming system, or new technology, is succeeding. The most common indicators focus on increasing “yield,” often of a singular crop or animal unit, within large-scale production systems.
Jim Kleinschmit
Negotiating text on the EU-U.S. trade agreement leaked by the Huffington Post exposes the European Union’s hypocrisy when it comes to renewable energy and climate protection.
Shefali Sharma
The Antibiotic Resistance Coalition, comprising civil society organizations including IATP and stakeholders from multiple sectors on six continents, has called on World Health Organization (WHO) Member States to pass a critical resolution (Combating antimicrobial resistance, includin
Dr. Steve Suppan
One of the flashpoints in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks is the pressure to bring EU standards to U.S. levels in ways that expand the use of industrial agriculture despite the risks to human and animal health and worker safety.
Webinar: TTIP webinar series: Trade rules for poultry and pork: safe for whom?
The United States and the European Union have launched negotiations on a new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): a free trade agreement that aims to “harmonize” standards and regulations in both regions to expand corporate profits. However, the regulations in question are critical to creating more sustainable, healthy food systems in Europe and in the United States.