Publication archives

Kate Hoff
IATP is proud to announce that our for-profit subsidiary, Peace Coffee, was among the first Minnesota businesses to file as a public benefit corporation (PBC). This is the state’s newest form of business incorporation for for-profit and socially minded businesses.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Dr. Steve Suppan
We were pleasantly surprised yesterday to learn that the European Commission has taken major steps towards respecting the rights of citizens to see what is being negotiated in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Dale Wiehoff
News in the first week of 2015 of a new antibiotic extracted from the soil that can fight infectious disease and one that pathogens are unlikely to grow resistant to, is very good news for us all. But 2014 told a different story.
Executive Summary
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
One of the big sticking points in the TTIP talks has been the EU’s prohibition on imports of beef treated with growth hormones. EU officials continue to insist the issue is off the table, but U.S. officials keep pushing it right back on. Just this week, U.S.
Juliette Majot
IATP’s commitment to take on the big issues and important fights was what first drew me to the organization many years ago. Now, as IATP’s president, I’m honored to continue that commitment.
Ben Lilliston
The amazingly terrible new spending agreement reached by the House and Senate this week illustrates the heavy price we all pay for a government increasingly influenced by big corporate and financial industry donors.