Publication archives

It is becoming clear that public health is increasingly at risk from resistance to some important fungicides, exacerbated by the overuse of agricultural fungicides. Fungicide resistance is showing up everywhere.
Agricultural Fungicides and Public Health
Dr. Steve Suppan
On February 25, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC) held another hearing that attacked federal regulations and regulators as an unnecessary burden on corporations, employment creation and economic growth.
Shiney Varghese
Last week, a landmark event took place in Mali.
Nora McKeon is the author of "Food Security Governance: Empowering Communities, Regulating Corporations." Nora formerly worked for the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and continues to be very active around food systems, food governance, small-scale farmer movements, and UN-civil society relations.
 The EU and US have very different rules on the treatment of farm animals. The EU recognizes animals as sentient beings and requires Member states to respect their welfare, banning some of the worst forms of cruelty, many of which are common in the United States.
Aimed at improving access to and profitability from Minnesota’s farm to institution markets (i.e. schools, hospitals, child care centers, etc.) for Minnesota producers, the survey engaged 142 producers operating in 56 counties in Minnesota, Wisconsin and South Dakota.
Ben Lilliston
President Obama, like the Bushes and Clinton before him, is all in on expanding the type of free trade multinational corporations love. Unfortunately, these trade agreements fuel an extractive form of globalization that has negatively impacted jobs and inequality, and have also been devastating for the climate.
Shefali Sharma
The North American Meat Institute, national beef and pork associations and other corporate lobbies of the powerful meat industry are seething at the historic ne