Publication archives

We may not see it in the mainstream news, but we surely see the costs to our communities—corporate spending in food and farm politics has detrimental effects on our health, environment, our farmers and local economies.
Shiney Varghese
Twenty three years ago, in 1993, the first annual World Water Day was an occasion to draw attention to water related challenges around the globe.  It will be observed again tomorrow, with a focus on sustainable water governance.
Shefali Sharma
Americans are much more vocal today than we have ever been about the kind of food we eat, where it comes from and what it does to our bodies and our planet.
Jose Oliva is Co-Director of the Food Chain Workers Alliance, a national coalition that collectively represents over 250,000 workers. The Alliance’s worker-based organizations, whose members plant, harvest, process, pack, transport, prepare, serve, and sell food, are organizing to improve wages and working conditions for all workers along the food chain.
Dr. Steve Suppan
The addition of nanomaterials in food, food packaging and other food contact surfaces, is moving so quickly that regulators and even businesses cannot keep up.
Policy for Nanomaterials in Food and Food Packaging
Ben Lilliston
Whether we like it or not, our taxpayer dollars go to many of the big corporations that dominate U.S. food and farming through government contracts. These same corporations use their considerable financial resources to support political candidates in a variety of ways, often without full disclosure. Is this a system of covert corruption? We need to find out.