Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
The corporate lobbying frenzy is heating up as Fast Track trade authority starts to make its way through Congress. The bill’s passage, with only one hearing and a tight timeline, is being greased by corporate cash and lobbying power—while a wide coalition of pretty much everyone else, workers, environmentalists, social justice and food and agriculture groups work to defeat it.
Over 110 farm, food and consumer groups oppose trade promotion authority. Read the letter. Take Action to Stop Fast Track.
Ben Lilliston
Carbon markets and cap-and-trade programs are increasingly being used as a mechanism to mitigate climate change by reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. In the U.S., there are already two large carbon markets in play—one in California, and one in the Northeast. There will likely be an expansion of U.S. carbon markets in the coming years as the Clean Power Plan is implemented.
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
Tara Ritter
The devastating drought in California, home to much of the country’s fruit and vegetable production, is spurring discussions about the future of food production in a new age of climate change.
Tara Ritter
Download the presentation slides.
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
Download the presentation slides Jahi Chappell presentation at +50 Teach-in University of Michigan
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
One of the most surprising parts of my visits to Europe around trade issues has been the misconceptions people have about the U.S. And I’m not talking about generalizations about problems in our food system, but the idea that all Americans support free trade agreements.
Ben Lilliston
We have entered a new era of corporate rights—where, in their quest to access natural resources around the world, multinational firms now routinely ride roughshod over governments and communities. Two trade tribunal rulings issued last month explain how.
New NAFTA rulings favor corporations over community values, environment