Publication archives

Shiney Varghese
The hazy term “Climate Smart Agriculture” (CSA) came into sharper focus this month after a series of high-level intergovernmental meetings that prioritized corporate-led solutions.
Ben Lilliston
When fast track trade authority squeezed through the House of Representatives last week by 10 votes, big corporate donors breathed a sigh of relief. They had heavily invested in political donations and K Street lobbying power to advance their trade agenda—and expected a return on investment.
Anna Claussen
Download the slides.
Juliette Majot
Fast Track approval of highly secretive trade agreements that will threaten local food procurement programs across the U.S. and give corporations the standing to sue governments for lost profits passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a slim margin of ten votes yesterday.
Tara Ritter
The partnership between IATP, the Jefferson Center, and the City of Morris won an Environmental Initiative Award.
IATP Rural Climate Dialogue wins Award
Pete Huff
Institutions purchasing and serving regionally produced food has gained momentum in recent years, largely driven by the exponentially successful farm to school movement.
Farm to Institutions: A Producer Perspective
Dale Wiehoff
Last week the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that India is unfairly preventing the import of poultry and eggs from the U.S.  India instituted the ban against U.S.
A Game of Chicken