Publication archives

Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Trade ministers and negotiators are meeting this week in Atlanta in what might be the final round of negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Leaving aside the fact that they first announced a “final” round nearly two years ago, it does seem that they are down to a few sticking points.
Ben Lilliston
One year after it was launched at the UN Climate Summit in New York, the controversial Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) is at the center of an emerging international debate.
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
IATP’s long-time ally in Mexico, ANEC (the National Association of Producers' Enterprises) held a three-day conference recently (Aug. 31 – Sept.
Comment on the draft paper on ‘Climate Smart Agriculture in Feed the Future Programs’ developed with feedback from across USAID and other U.S. government agencies.
At the end of July, trade negotiators and ministers representing 12 Pacific Rim countries failed to reach agreements on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leaving the negotiations hanging.
Dale Wiehoff
If predictions are correct that another round of avian flu will hit this fall, we need to quickly step back and take a hard look at how last spring’s avian influenza disaster played out.  A question that is getting little attention is what happened to the almost 50 million dead birds and the risks associated with their disposal?
Where have all the dead chickens gone?
Ben Lilliston
When it comes to climate change, money can’t solve everything, but it can help. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is one of the most promising new vehicles to finance climate initiatives in developing countries already particularly hard hit by extreme weather.
Financing climate resilience through agroecology
Dr. Steve Suppan
Analyzing agriculture in trade negotiations as they occur is a little like playing blind man’s bluff.