Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
Paris – The term “climate smart agriculture” (CSA) is popping up frequently in the official events of the global climate talks here in Paris. But what climate smart agriculture actually means seems to depend on who’s talking. In fact, the term has entered into an Orwellian space of meaning both everything and nothing simultaneously.
Christopher Kirkpatrick September 14, 2015 Secretary to the Commission Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) (Commission) Three Lafayette Center 1155 21st Street NW Washington, DC 20581
Tara Ritter
Global leaders are convening in Paris for the U.N. climate change conference. This two-week event is intended to result in a global climate agreement, with commitments from most of the world’s countries on how they will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Ben Lilliston
Paris – Yesterday at the global climate talks, France and about 30 other country leaders, research institutions and a handful of NGOs launched a much anticipated new
Sophia Murphy
The World Trade Organization (WTO) turned 20 this year—it is young in the world of multilateral agencies (by way of comparison, the UN turned 70) but it is no longer new. There is now a sizeable group of people working on trade who do not remember a time before the WTO. It has become the default trade institution—the organization everyone thinks of when they think about global trade.
Shefali Sharma
12/02/2015 - IATP's Shefali Sharma interviews David Muraskin, a lawyer at Public Justice, who represents a number of farmers in a case against meat-packing giant Tyson concerning their treatment of livestock producers.
The intent of this working document is to describe climate change concerns specific to rural communities in the United States and identify policy approaches that are supportive of on-the-ground solutions. It reflects ideas and input from Rural Climate Network member organizations and other rural organizations, leaders and experts in the U.S.