Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
The farm economy is beyond struggling. Farm income was 50 percent lower in 2015 than in 2013 and is expected to drop further in 2016, reports the USDA.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Last November the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), a trade and investment agreement between the U.S. and 11 other countries of the Pacific Rim was published. Finally, there is a proxy for the U.S. position in the TTIP negotiations on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), i.e. the food safety and animal and plant health rules and enforcement practices that must protect consumers.
Tara Ritter
This blog overviews the 2016 Winona County Rural Climate Dialogue.
Collaborating for the Community: Winona Climate Dialogue Convenes
Shiney Varghese
Early in the morning on March 3, 2016, the environmental justice community was jolted by news of the assassination of Berta Cáceres, the Honduran feminist activist. She was nearly 45 and was shot dead the previous night in her home, in La Esperanza.
Shiney Varghese
The tragic situation in Flint, Michigan, is in many ways a cautionary tale of democracy subverted, one that ties directly to the United States refusal to recognize basic human rights such as the right to water.
Ben Lilliston
At the Paris climate talks, negotiators chose not to address the sticky issue of trade rules, and how those rules undermine each nation’s efforts to address climate change.
Obama Undermines Climate Efforts in Solar Trade Dispute
Shiney Varghese
The tragic situation in Flint is in many ways a cautionary tale of democracy subverted, one that ties directly to the United States’ refusal to recognize basic human rights such as the right to water.
Shefali Sharma
While the debate continues about holistic management and what “true cost” actually means for livestock production models and climate change, technocrats and governments are busy establishing standards for carbon intensity reduction in industrial animal agriculture.
Climate, Livestock, Carbon & the Lobby #LivestockDebate