Publication archives

Katie Costello
Child care providers and early care settings often have a variety of reasons for participating in Farm to Early Care activities. For Haley Anderson, Nutrition Services Coordinator at Reach Up Head Start in St. Cloud, developing personal relationships with local fruit and vegetable growers was a primary motivator.
Ben Lilliston
If your spending reflects what you value the most, it appears the Trump Administration places little value on rural communities. In its first budget presented to Congress this week, the Trump Administration proposed to slash, and in some cases eliminate, programs that support rural residents and family farmers. When combined with new U.S.
Ben Lilliston
In the coming weeks, various factions within the White House will debate whether the U.S. should leave the Paris climate agreement—the global plan signed by nearly 200 countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This week we celebrate May Day, the International Day of Workers’ Rights. The days’ origins are in the Haymarket Affairs in Chicago in 1886, when labor activists were killed for advocating for an 8-hour workday.
Marchers in Grant Park on May Day
The Issue We cannot address climate change without reducing the production and consumption of industrial meat and dairy.
Lady with goats as an example of agroecology
Shiney Varghese
This op-ed originally ran in AgriNews on World Water Day.
U.S. President Donald Trump may still deny the harsh realities of climate change, but no one in southern Mozambique has any doubts. They don’t have much food either.
Ben Lilliston
Last month, Congress held initial hearings to inform the 2018 Farm Bill. Agriculture Committee members heard about the struggling farm economy, crop insurance and rural development. One issue that wasn’t discussed, despite its profound impact on farmers, is climate change.
picture of a tree and a field