Publication archives

Tara Ritter
The Farm Bill is a massive piece of legislation that affects everyone – and Congress is writing it now. It’s not surprising that, as such a wide-reaching bill, the Farm Bill has big implications for climate change. It is the largest investment in working lands and the primary method for addressing the environmental impacts of farms and ranches.
picture of a tree and a field
Sophia Murphy
Sophia Murphy is an advisor to IATP, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. President Trump is playing high stakes poker in the NAFTA talks, with his US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, at the helm. Laura Dawson, director of the Wilson Centre’s Canada Centre published an op-ed on 11 October in which she suggests there are two tracks to the NAFTA talks – one is moving ahead with the “easy consensus” (i.e. tracking new issues that gained prominence in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations), while the other, driven by Trump’s tweets and America First Agenda, is putting the whole enterprise at risk with incendiary statements and impossible demands.
Farm site
This week's episode was going to be on meat, but schedules change and we adjust!
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Ben Lilliston
Every day, independent livestock and poultry producers operate within a marketplace dominated by a handful of very large, mostly global meat companies. The overwhelming market power of companies like Smithfield, JBS and Tyson, to set prices and determine market rules, reduces competition and prevents independent producers from pursuing a fair return.
It's Global Fertilizer Day (who knew?)! And to celebrate, we are joined by Steve Suppan whose paper on the use of nanotechnology in the fertilizer industry was released yesterday. This is a special episode of Uprooted, and our normal podcast schedule will continue next week.
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It's Farm to School Month! Erin McKee and Katie Costello talk about IATP's Farm to Institution program. Then Ben Lilliston joins the podcast to talk about the Local FARMS act that was just introduced in Congress.
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Dr. Steve Suppan
As farmers begin the fall harvest, a downstream result of their use of fertilizer blooms in Lake Erie, 700 square miles of algae, some of it toxic.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Link to PDF of the full report with figures and endnotes.