IATP comment to USDA on proposed rule on "Transparency in Poultry Growing Contracts and Tournaments"

The following comment was summitted to the USDA regarding the proposed rule on the “Transparency in Poultry Growing Contracts and Tournaments” on August 1st, 2022. IATP supports the proposed rule and suggests several additions that would increase transparency and fairness for workers.

True or False? Evaluating solutions for agriculture and climate change

For decades, mainstream climate debates largely ignored agriculture. Now, thankfully, the climate community has woken up to the importance of agriculture and food systems in tackling climate change. This short paper challenges some of the most popular of these false solutions to the climate crisis.

Much more than our daily bread

As part our series on agroecological practices, science and movements, we’d like to highlight this story from our partners at ARC20202 in Europe. The German Free Bakers association explains their role in the local food chain and the need for institutional infrastructure as part of the agroecological transformation.

Sagari R Ramdas is a popular educator at the Kudali Learning Centre, Telangana, India and a member of the Food Sovereignty Alliance, India.

WEBINAR: From First Bite to Full Tray — Buying local foods for your school meals

Watch a recording of the webinar "From First Bite to Full Tray: Buying local foods for your school meals!" Part of a Farm to School 101 Webinar Series from the MN Farm to School Leadership Team, the webinar was held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 and hosted as a collaboration between the MN Department of Agriculture; MN Department of Education, U of MN Extension and the Institute fo

Food sovereignty: A social construction from the field

This article is the first in a series of articles highlighting the work of our colleagues around the world to build agroecological practices, science and movements.