Rose Williams is director of Biowatch South Africa. 

Green Revolution Forum confronts food, fertilizer crises

The following article was originally published on Nation on August 24, 2022.  As government officials, corporate leaders, and international donors prepare to travel to Kigali, Rwanda for the first in-person African Green Revolution Forum in three years, they will be face-to-face not only with one another but with a fundamental challenge to their core mission.
Community Food Systems Program Associate

Nora Shields-Cutler is the program associate for community food systems at IATP.

Agribusiness opposition to the proposed SEC climate-related financial disclosure rule

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires companies registered to trade on U.S. stock exchanges to disclose financial statements and details of their business operations to investors and the public. In 2010, the SEC issued voluntary guidance on how SEC registrants should disclose climate-related financial information.