Agroecology: A Transformative Opportunity for the Convention on Biological Diversity

Lea el informe en español aquí. Lisez la note de synthèse en français ici. 

Missing the Mark? Biodiversity Targets Risk Failure without Agroecology

December 8th, 2022

This hybrid COP15 side-event, cohosted by IATP, brings forward evidence in support of agroecology as a fundamental basis for a global biodiversity strategy. Read the policy brief in English, en español and en français.  Location: COP15 Venue — Business and Industry Organizations Meeting Room (room 514A) and via Livestream Livestream: Livestream link coming soon. 

After 2022 midterms, opportunities for progress shift from Congress to states, executive branch

Depending on which headlines you read, 2022’s midterm elections had different takeaways, including a worse than expected showing for Republicans, the ultimate flipping of the United States House from Democrats to Republicans, the drop-off in turnout among Democrats in New York, California and Florida, and resounding Democratic successes in places like Michigan, Minnesota and P

Real Zero Europe Statement

To avoid the worst effects of climate chaos, we must radically transform, equitably and justly, the way we produce our food, manage our ecosystems, and power our economies. We must urgently deploy real and proven, socially just and people-led solutions and dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions at source, down to Real Zero.