No reason for U.S. alarm over mexico’s gm-corn ban

Minneapolis—From January 9-10, Mexico and the United States will meet at a presidential summit to negotiate the timeline and scope of Mexico’s ban on the cultivation of GM corn and mandated phaseout of GM corn imports and importation and use of the herbicide glyphosate. Feeding U.S.

[WATCH] IATP: Transforming food systems for people & the planet

Since the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's founding in 1986, we have fought alongside allies for food systems that work for people and the planet. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota with offices in Washington, D.C. and Berlin, Germany, IATP brings together policy experts united by a shared passion for healthy, just and resilient food systems.

No basis for U.S. to dispute Mexico's GM corn import ban

A high-level delegation from the Mexican government is in Washington today to discuss a series of bilateral trade issues, one of them being U.S. government and biotech industry claims that Mexico's intention to restrict imports of genetically modified corn in 2024 violates the new Agricultural Biotechnology provisions in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that replaced NAFTA in 2020.