Farm Bill 101: What the 2023 Farm Bill means for Minnesota

March 1st, 2023

Watch the recording of this event here.   Join us for a free webinar open to the public on March 1 organized by MinneAg Network, Partners to End Hunger, MN Food Justice Network and the Land Stewardship Project. Date & Time  Wednesday, March 1, 2023  12-1:30 p.m. CT/1-2:30 p.m. ET

Minnesota Department of Agriculture Farm to School Grant Evaluation

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Farm to School Grants allocated nearly $300,000 to Minnesota schools for local food purchases in 2021-22, awarding 27 total Farm to School grants. This evaluation report covers economic impact, grant administration, grantee successes and challenges.

NAFTA’s shadow of obstruction

Investor rights in the expired North American Free Trade Agreement continue to undermine democratic decision-making and climate policy in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

Planting the Seeds: A Farm to in-home Early Care Pilot Case Study

Building on a long-standing partnership and a bedrock vision of a truly community-based food system, in 2020 the Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) launched a new Farm to in-home Early Care initiative on the East side of St. Paul.

Saib: Thawv Zaub Noj Rau Cov Chaw Zov Menyuam

Kawm txoj koom haum HAFA thiab IATP lub zeem muag txhawb kev no qab haus huv rau menyuam yau.  Cov Thawv Zaub (CSA) pab ua ib txoj kev ua lag luam rua cov niam txiv hmoob ua liab ua teb.  Tsi tag li ntawb, tseem pab cov chaw zov menyuam muaj zaub noj. Saib ua lus Askiv ntawm no.

Webinar: Mind the Gap! National climate pledges overstep on available land

February 21st, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar. Nations, companies, and other institutions are responding to the accelerating climate crisis challenge by making net-zero pledges. But the magnitude of the transformation required has led these net-zero pledges to rely heavily on carbon offsets. Offsets attempt to make good an emission in one place or sector with some kind of carbon (or carbon equivalent) capture elsewhere. Land-based carbon sequestration has become an increasingly common component of net-zero pledges.