NFFC Dairy Crisis Letter

More than fifty family farmer, labor and consumer organizations urged federal agriculture policymakers to take immediate steps to help US dairy farmers, who have struggled for years with milk prices that are well below their costs of production. 

Rural Energy for America Program Letter

The following was taken from an April 3, 2018, letter from 75 organizations expressing support for the Rural Energy for America Program addressed to the chairmen and the ranking members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees. Dear Chairman Roberts, Ranking Member Stabenow, Chairman Conaway, Ranking Member Peterson:

EQIP Farm Bill Letter

The following is taken from an April 11, 2018 letter from the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

Mighty Giants: Leaders of the Global Meat Complex

While global agribusiness giants such as Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer and DuPont are best known for their control over the global seeds, cereals and agrochemicals market, symbolizing the corporate takeover of the food system, an extremely powerful segment of agribusiness remains hidden from public scrutiny: The companies that control the production, processing and trad

Uprooted Episode 28: Your right to know - Labeling and NAFTA 2.0

This week we're talking about labeling, and the attempt to ban it, in trade agreements. Josh talks with Sharon Treat about why multinational corporations seek to undermine public health protections through the trade negotiating process, what the history of challenging food labeling has been, and what the heck is going on with NAFTA renegotiation these days.