'This Is Life or Death for Us': Mexico's Farm Movement Rejects New NAFTA Agreement

The smooth ride to a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) may have just hit the bumpy roads of rural Mexico. On Tuesday, leaders of Mexico’s farm movement strongly condemned the new agreement announced between the United States and Mexico, calling on the new president they supported in recent elections to get involved and slow the race to the new agreement.

Uprooted Episode 44: The Affordable Clean Energy Rule

Josh talks with Tara Ritter about the rollback of the Clean Power Plan, which was proposed by the Obama administration and held up in the courts. The replacement, the Affordable Clean Energy Rule is a thinly veiled attempt to prop up the dying coal industry at the expense of the expanding clean energy sector, including the job boom it would create in rural areas. 

Trump and Mexico back down on farmer protections in NAFTA

NAFTA is often touted as a big win for U.S. farmers, but it would be more accurate to say it has been a win for global agribusiness firms who trade across borders. A proposed and reportedly rejected seasonal anti-dumping provision wouldn’t have solved all the problems with NAFTA—but it would have been a significant step toward balancing a playing field that tilts overboard toward agribusiness and away from farmers.