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Secretariat of the WTO

At the first Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture on 23-24 March 2000, it was agreed that the Secretariat would provide, inter alia, "an update and extension of the information contained in AIE/S7" (paragraph 7(b) of G/AG/NG/1). To this effect the Secretariat invited the FAO, the International Grains Council (IGC), the IMF, the OECD, UNCTAD, the World Bank and the World Food Programme to provide the relevant information. The international organizations concerned were informed that the studies which might be relevant in the present context include: analyses of the projected or actual impact of the Uruguay Round on trade in agriculture generally or in relation to products of current and potential interest to developing countries; studies or analyses which examine the implementation of specific elements or provisions of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture relating to special and differential treatment; and studies relating to the situation of the least-developed and net food-importing developing countries in the context of the Marrakesh Ministerial Decision on Measures concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme.

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