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Watch a recording of our two-hour virtual seminar held on October 20, 2021 that provides an in-depth look at the transformative power of agroecology. Agroecology experts, advocates and practitioners discuss how agroecology, as a systems approach, can address multiple ongoing global crises, both ecological, economic and sociocultural. Hear from farmers based in the Global North and South as they share their reasons for practicing agroecology and the challenges they face. Panelists discuss these challenges, as well as potential pathways to successfully advancing agroecology. Panel presentations are followed by a question-and-answer session.

The dominant food system in the world is exploitative and extractive, but examples across the world demonstrate that a more just and fair food system is possible. Agroecological approaches have evolved to offer a set of guiding principles that can help transform our food systems, to create a more socially just, diverse, holistic and sustainable food system that better respects and benefits cultures, the environment, and people engaged at every level of the system.

Agroecological approaches are anchored in human rights, rooted in culturally and ecologically diverse knowledge systems, and have the potential to build the community resilience necessary to deal with both the forces of climate change and corporate control. Yet, there have been roadblocks to advancing agroecology globally.


  • Introduction: Agroecology: A systems approach for food system transformations
  • Agroecology Today: Anchored in human rights; rooted in culturally and ecologically diverse knowledge systems; building resilience
  • Panel I: Why do agroecological approaches offer the most comprehensive pathway to address multiple challenges and crises? 
  • Farmers Stories: Farmers from the Global North and South will share why they practice agroecology and challenges to success 
  • Panel II: Impediments and pathways to advancing agroecology around the world 
  • Q&A with panelists and presenters 

Co-hosted by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) and Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE).

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