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Analysis of the 2007 Farm Bill was produced by IATP as a collection of five fact sheets under the title “Understanding the Farm Bill” to target the impacts of the Farm Bill in specific areas.

  • Understanding the Farm Bill: Address the Need for Subsidies:

Numerous proposals emerged to reform commodity policy, most of which were seeking to decrease or eliminate farm subsidies. Unfortunately, the majority of these proposals were based on an incorrect understanding of how commodity programs work.

  • Understanding the Farm Bill: Revenue Based Countercyclicals: A Poor Substitute

Explains why proposed revenue-based countercyclical payments are a poor substitute for a fair market place that pays farmers a fair price.

  • Understanding the Farm Bill: Stability Not Volatility

Simply tweaking subsidies does nothing to address agriculture’s inherent tendency to over produce. Nor does it address the issue of volatile prices.

  • Understanding the Farm Bill: U.S. WTO Commitments and the Farm Bill

Explains how World Trade Organization commitments would affect the writing of the 2007 Farm Bill.

  • Understanding the Farm Bill: A Competitive Title for Farmers 

Due to declining competition and price manipulation, a Competition Title is needed to bring fairness back to the markets.    

For continued analysis of the 2007 Farm Bill by IATP read the series “A Fair Farm Bill".





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