April 14th at 10:00am CDT - April 14th at 11:00am CDT

Assessing carbon footprints on the farm

Discussions about climate change often lead to how agriculture is a major contributor of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is also true that agricultural communities are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, as they are often those most closely linked to natural ecosystems for their economic, social and environmental well-being. The challenge is to find practical strategies to adapt to and mitigate the current and anticipated effects of climate change. Our upcoming webinar will do just that.

Gijs Kuneman from the Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CLM) in the Netherlands will speak about current developments on climate impacts from farming. He will cover:

  1. Recent developments in agriculture and climate change;
  2. Tools for monitoring carbon footprint at the farm level including the CLM Climate Yardstick and the Cool Farm Tool; and
  3. Integrating more variables than carbon into the tools.

Join us for this look at innovative approaches to lower carbon-foot prints at the farm level.

CLM is a green consultancy in the Netherlands working on sustainable farming, for clients ranging from governments to farming organizations, from Heineken to Greenpeace. CLM works primarily at the national level but increasingly also in other countries with partners such as SAI-Platform and the Cool Farm Alliance.




