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If we needed any more evidence on the declining relevance of the World Trade Organization, we're seeing it this week. WTO Ministerial meetings, like the one taking place this week in Geneva, used to include massive, worldwide news coverage on the development of new global trade rules. But a quick scan of news coverage today turns up very little. Reporters are struggling to find stories. But maybe that is the story: the rapid decline of the WTO as a major international force. And as importantly, where does it go from here?

In the latest Geneva Update, IATP's Anne Laure Constantin writes about the reluctance of governments to let go of the Doha Round of negotiations, even though the world has dramatically changed since the negotiations were launched in 2001. Constantin writes, "Disagreements over what the mandate is about, and how negotiations should proceed, have perhaps never been wider. Observers around the world are wondering what it will take for trade ministers to acknowledge the situation. Denial only allows an unacceptable status quo to prevail for a few more years. Enough is enough."

Will trade ministers have the courage to change course—or continue to stumble down the same endless path? IATP will continue covering the WTO Ministerial over the next few days and let you know.