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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8:00 a.m. Breakfast and coffee time


9:00 a.m. Morning focus: How to make our ideas happen

Speaker: Mark Ritchie, Minnesota Secretary of State

9:45 a.m. Learning from each other: Enhancing our skills (concurrent)

  • Community Leadership and Change


    Change is a constant reality, but that doesn't mean that community leaders are always ready to embrace
    it. In this interactive workshop, participants will consider how today's challenges facing community
    leaders are fundamentally different from those of the past. Plus, you will learn what new opportunities
    for community and economic development are suggested by significant changes in demographics,
    economics, technology and the environment.

    Presented by Milan Wall of the Heartland Center for Leadership Development with participation by you.

  • Media Basics and Policy Advocacy


    Calls to Congress, visits to Washington, DC, letters to the editor, opinion editorials, action alerts, oh my!
    All of these strategies and others are used every day to influence policymakers and shape legislation.
    Whether you're passionate about agriculture, rural development, health care, education or another rural
    issue, join us in this session to talk about strategies to win at your statehouse and in Washington, DC. We
    will talk about strategies that have worked in the past as well as emerging tools to shape public opinion
    and public policy. We will learn from each other and share ideas for building upon our successes to win
    more policy victories for rural people and rural communities.

    Led by Steph Larsen & Virginia Wolking of the Center for Rural Affairs with participation by you.

  • Building an e-Network Using Social Media


    The Rural Learning Center is home to a remarkable community and economic development movement
    that works to restore social capital and build relationships in Miner County, South Dakota. Today, the
    RLC understands that building genuine relationships is the foundation of creating successful
    community development initiatives in any rural place. The creation of social networks is one way to
    build these relationships. Join us for an interactive session to explore how you can use social networks
    to connect and build relationships in your community and organization. We'll spend time exploring
    various social media tools, and create a network among conference attendees. You will get the most out
    of this session if you bring a laptop!

    Led by Mike Knutson and Lindsey Karlson of the Rural Learning Center with participation by you.
  • Tools for Understanding and Engaging Your Community

    MEETING ROOM 12/13

    This session uses "Open Space," a process that allows small groups to convene based on the flow and
    dynamics of the Assembly. Attendees will create the agenda and learning sessions on the spot based on
    the interests, knowledge, and questions in the room. For leaders experienced with one or more tools who
    are willing to share their knowledge and for anyone who wants to learn something new. Tools could
    include Community Capitals, Asset Based Community Development, the U Process, talking circles, and
    whatever else shows up in the room. Tool experts: please join this session to share your experiences.

    Hosted by the Meadowlark Institute with leadership and participation by you.

11:30 a.m. The Future of Rural America: The Next Generation


Moderated by Marcie McLaughlin of the Rural Policy Research Institute


  • Nick Tilsen, Executive Director, Thunder Valley Community Development
    Corporation, Porcupine, SD

  • Tami Severson, Housing Coordinator, Rural Learning Center, Howard, SD

  • Nick Olson, Program Organizer, Farm Beginnings Program--Land Stewardship
    Project, and Manager, Earthrise Farm, Madison, MN

  • Organized by Christy James of Renewing the Country

12:30 p.m. Lunch and Speakers: Moving to action


Luncheon Speaker: Garat Ibrahim, Minnesota Organizer for the Midwest Immigrant
Health Project, Center for New Community

Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, U.S. Representative
from South Dakota

2:00 p.m. Afternoon focus: Action steps and commitments


Working together to explicitly fulfill the Midwest Rural Assembly intention: to begin
building a regional network to advance policies and initiatives that can help revitalize
rural communities.

Hosted by the Great Plains Network for Rural Policy and Rural People, the Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy, and Renewing the Countryside.

3:00 p.m. Report-back of plans and action steps


3:45 p.m. Closing commitments


Working together to develop a regional network and advance our collective priorities.

Hosted by Kathy Callies of the Rural Learning Center and Jim Kleinschmit of the Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy

4:00 p.m. Assembly adjournsMiddwest Rural Assembly