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At the heart of forestry is the way people use, manage, and benefit from trees and plants. The next two forestry Internet seminars focus on strategies that forest owners, foresters, and practitioners can use to control undesirable shrubs and trees and to improve the growth of desirable hardwoods. On June 18, participants will learn about the ecology of invasive shrubs and a combination of organic and chemical methods to control undesirable plants. Dr. Peter Smallidge of Cornell University Cooperative Extension will present on June 18. On July 16, participants will learn about strategies to manage their forests for high quality hardwoods. Dr. James Finley of Penn State University will present on July 16.

The ForestConnect Internet Seminar Series is an interactive web conference and was the first of its kind in the US. Each seminar uses the Internet to distribute, or webcast, a live and interactive presentation. Since May 2007, web-based seminars have connected forest owners, managers, and practitioners from throughout the United States and overseas. More than 800 owners and managers from 40 states and three countries are registered and receiving announcements for the monthly webcasts.

Seminars occur on the third Wednesday of each month. Each webcast is provided live, twice. The initial broadcast each month is from noon to 1:00 PM with a repeat live broadcast the same day from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, Eastern Time. Participation is as easy as a high-speed internet connection via a web browser. Participants will connect to a secure Cornell Cooperative Extension server to join the presentation. Participants must pre-register once, without charge, at Email notification of internet URL details will be sent to everyone registered.Cornell University Cooperative Extension