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As we get down to the wire at the capitol, we want to make sure that the Governor is hearing from his constituents about the importance of signing our bills.

We have two call to actions:


Please call The Governor?s office and ask for his support for both:

1.The Safe Baby Products Bill which would phase out phthalates from children's products

2.Phase out of the Toxic Flame Retardant Deca (SF651/HF934)

Please tell your friends to do so as well!

His number is 651.296.3391- when they pick up the phone tell the operator you would like to ask for the Governor?s support on two bills. He/She will connect you to an answering machine where you can ask for support on both bills.

The House floor will be taking up the Deca bill: Call your state House Representative and ask for their support on the phase out of the toxic flame retardant deca (HF 934)Healthy Legacy